Saturday 28 May 2016

Preparing for the Journey

Entrepreneurship the dream of many people. But only very few achieve it. And in this post we are going to see who is an entrepreneur .
Before starting first let us see the qualities of the person to become entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur is the person who plan who organise and who can manage .This is the simple definition given from books to web.

But Originally “Entrepreneurship is art of war and entrepreneurs are Warriors”

Yes an entrepreneur don’t need the Certificates from universities .  what they need is a sharp mind and fearless heart to make their Idea into reality.

If you want to become an entrepreneurs you have to prepare yourself that you are going face a hardship until you achieve your goal no matter what happens you are going to reach the target .At initial stage you are going to get the experience via practical knowledge  Its not the theory of some one’s history you’re going to make your own history.

Entrepreneurship is not for you if one of the following is true for you.
·         Career growth means a greater-than-10% salary hike and a more impressive job title
·         Life settlement means owning a house, having a beautiful wife (or rich husband) and two smart kids
·         Start ups are a hot topic during lunch and weekend parties only, but no one does anything to make them a reality.
·         You know how to make quick bucks by fooling people, and you think the same tactic can be applied to a start up
·         The value (financial) of one month of your life is not more than one month of your salary, in your opinion.

Entrepreneurship is for brave hearts
·         You have to be mentally strong
·         You won’t raise money overnight
·         Your co-founders may leave you mid-way
·         Your potential investors may ditch you after promising funding.
·         Going near cashless becomes routine (be prepared for inconsistent income)
You know it’s not an easy journey. You have to bear a lot of pain. It is scary to leave your job and follow your passion. We hear success stories of startups, but no one tells us how many failures are buried under that success.
“Remember, with every failure you are adding layers to your mental strength.”

– Richard Branson

we are going to start the journey as entrepreneur once we get prepared for the journey :)

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